40 Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 SD Semester 1 dan Jawabannya
Soal PAS bahasa Inggris kelas 1 semester 1 bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan siswa pada dasar-dasar bahasa Inggris.
Seperti kosakata sederhana, keterampilan mendengarkan, dan kemampuan berbicara sederhana dalam bahasa Inggris.
Selain fokus pada nilai, penting bagi siswa untuk menjadikan ujian PAS Bahasa Inggris ini sebagai kesempatan untuk merangsang minat mereka dalam belajar bahasa asing.
Untuk itu, yuk persiapkan diri dengan belajar melalui soal PAS bahasa Inggris kelas 1 di bawah ini.
Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 Semester 1
Berikut contoh soalnya.
Soal 1
Cici: ....
Aisyah: My number is two.
- A. What your number is?
- B. Your number is?
- C. What is your number?
Jawaban: C
Soal 2
Aisyah: Good morning Cici
Cici: ... Aisyah.
- A. Good evening
- B. Good morning
- C. Good night
Jawaban: B
Soal 3
Cici: ... my sister.
Sister: Goodbye.
- A. Good morning
- B. Good afternoon
- C. Goodbye
Jawaban: C
Soal 4
Cici: Hi Aisyah, how are you?
Aisyah: Hi Cici ....
- A. I am fine
- B. I am Aisyah
- C. I am Cici
Jawaban: A
Soal 5
Made: ....
Joshua: My name is Joshua.
- A. What is you?
- B. What is your name?
- C. What it is?
Jawaban: B
Soal 6
The day after Sunday is ….
- A. Thursday
- B. Friday
- C. Monday
Jawaban: C
Soal 7
Johnny: ....
Joshua: My name is Joshua
What should Johnny say to Joshua?
- A. What is you?
- B. What is your name?
- C. What it is?
Jawaban: B
Soal 8
The number before nine is ....
- A. one
- B. eight
- C. ten
Jawaban: B
Soal 9
In the classroom, there is a board for study. What shape of the board?
- A. square
- B. triangle
- C. circle
Jawaban: A
Soal 10
Nara: Good morning Fara
Fara: ... Nara.
- A. Good evening
- B. Good morning
- C. Good night
Jawaban: B
Soal 11
Fadel: “Good bye, Tia.”
Tia: “....”
- A. Good morning Fadel
- B. Good afternoon Fadel
- C. Goodbye Fadel
Jawaban: C
Soal 12
We can hear the sound with our ....
- A. eyes
- B. nose
- C. ears
Jawaban: C
Soal 13
Josh has ... pencil case (satu).
- A. one
- B. six
- C. seven
Jawaban: A
Soal 14
That is yellow balloon
The colour of eraser is same with the balloon. The colour of eraser is ....
- A. red
- B. green
- C. yellow
Jawaban: C
Soal 15
Lanny: Pondra, what shape of ruler?
Pondra: ....
- A. square
- B. triangle
- C. circle
Jawaban: B
Soal 16
What is the English word for 'buku'?
- A. Book
- B. Pen
- C. Table
Jawaban: A
Soal 17
What is the color of the sky?
- A. Blue
- B. Green
- C. Red
Jawaban: A
Soal 18
How do you spell the number '8'?
- A. Ait
- B. Eight
- C. Ate
Jawaban: B
Soal 19
Find the opposite of 'big':
- A. Large
- B. Small
- C. Huge
Jawaban: B
Soal 20
When do we say 'Good afternoon'?
- A. In the morning
- B. In the afternoon
- C. At night
Jawaban: B
Soal 21
What is the color of the sky on a sunny day?
- A. Blue
- B. Green
- C. Yellow
Jawaban: A
Soal 22
What do we say when we meet someone for the first time?
- A. Goodbye
- B. Hello
- C. See you
Jawaban: B
Soal 23
What is the shape of a ball?
- A. Square
- B. Circle
- C. Triangle
Jawaban: B
Soal 24
What do we call our mother’s brother?
- A. Uncle
- B. Aunt
- C. Cousin
Jawaban: A
Soal 25
Which one is a fruit?
- A. Banana
- B. Chair
- C. Pen
Jawaban: A
Soal 26
How many legs does a cat have?
- A. Two
- B. Three
- C. Four
Jawaban: C
Soal 27
What do cows give us?
- A. Milk
- B. Honey
- C. Water
Jawaban: A
Soal 28
Which animal says "Woof woof"?
A. Cat
B. Dog
C. Bird
Jawaban: B
Soal 29
What do you wear on your feet?
- A. Shoes
- B. Hat
- C. Gloves
Jawaban: A
Soal 30
Which is a type of weather?
A. Rainy
B. Chair
C. Table
Jawaban: A
Soal 31
What color is a ripe banana?
- A. Red
- B. Yellow
- C. Purple
Jawaban: B
Soal 32
Which day comes after Monday?
- A. Sunday
- B. Friday
- C. Tuesday
Jawaban: C
Soal 33
What do we use to write?
- A. Spoon
- B. Pencil
- C. Plate
Jawaban: B
Soal 34
Which one is a vegetable?
- A. Carrot
- B. Apple
- C. Cake
Jawaban: A
Soal 35
What do bees make?
- A. Milk
- B. Honey
- C. Cheese
Jawaban: B
Soal 36
Where do fish live?
- A. In the water
- B. In the tree
- C. On the ground
Jawaban: A
Soal 37
Which one is a season?
- A. Winter
- B. Bicycle
- C. Chocolate
Jawaban: A
Soal 38
What do we say when we go to sleep?
- A. Good night
- B. Good morning
- C. Goodbye
Jawaban: A
Soal 39
What is the opposite of ‘big’?
- A. Small
- B. Tall
- C. Wide
Jawaban: A
Soal 40
When do we say 'Good morning'?
- A. At night
- B. In the afternoon
- C. In the morning
Jawaban: C
Itulah 20 contoh soal PAS bahasa Inggris kelas 1 semester 1 untuk diajarkan ke Si Kecil.
Selain soal PAS bahasa Inggris, ada beberapa contoh soal PAS mata pelajaran lain yang bisa Moms persiapkan untuk Si Kecil yang duduk di bangku kelas 1 SD.
Seperti soal PAS Bahasa Indonesia atau soal PAS Matematika.
Semoga membantu, Moms!
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