26 Juni 2024

100 Kata-kata Motivasi MPLS untuk Siswa Baru, Semangat!

Ada dalam bahasa Inggris juga, lho
100 Kata-kata Motivasi MPLS untuk Siswa Baru, Semangat!

Foto: Pixabay

Kata-kata Motivasi MPLS dalam Bahasa Inggris

Ilustrasi MPLS
Foto: Ilustrasi MPLS

Simak juga dalam bahasa Inggris agar makin termotivasi!

51. Welcome to your new journey; may every step you take be filled with learning and growth.

52. Embrace this fresh start with enthusiasm and a fearless heart.

53. Set your goals high, and don't stop until you get there.

54. Believe in yourself, and remember that you are capable of more than you think.

55. Challenges are just opportunities to show how strong you really are.

56. Stay curious, ask questions, and never stop learning.

57. The power of education lies in your hands; use it wisely.

58. Surround yourself with positivity and people who uplift you.

59. Every day is a blank page in your story; write it well.

60. Dare to dream big, work hard, and achieve greatness.

61. Trust the journey, even when the path is unclear.

62. Your attitude determines your direction; make it positive.

63. Be the leader you would follow.

64. Growth starts with a decision to move beyond your current comfort zone.

65. You have everything you need within you to succeed.

66. Mistakes are proof that you are trying; embrace them and learn.

67. Every challenge is a chance to grow stronger and wiser.

68. Be brave in your pursuits and steadfast in your commitments.

69. Foster friendships that inspire you and encourage others along the way.

70. Build bridges, not walls—connect, share, and thrive together.

71. Your journey is as unique as you are; cherish and navigate it with confidence.

72. Keep moving forward, even on tough days; perseverance is key.

73. Cultivate a passion for learning; it will never cease to grow.

74. Your potential is limitless; aim to surpass even your own expectations.

75. Find joy in the little things and peace in accomplishments.

76. Be resourceful, be resilient, and above all, be kind.

77. Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.

78. Be open to change and ready for challenges; they shape your path.

79. Approach each day with a renewed spirit and an open heart.

80. Your attitude can turn problems into opportunities.

81. Stay motivated, stay grounded, and soar high.

82. Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.

83. Take pride in how far you’ve come and have faith in how far you can go.

84. Remember, great things never come from comfort zones.

85. Invest in yourself; your growth is your greatest asset.

86. Seek knowledge, show compassion, and stand for integrity.

87. Every end is a new beginning. Keep your spirits high and your focus clear.

88. Be the student who beats the odds, sets the trends, and breaks the norms.

89. Foster a positive mindset, and you will see positive outcomes.

90. Actions speak louder than words; let your deeds define you.

91. Stand out by being yourself. You are your own best asset.

92. Every lesson shapes you; let them refine, not define you.

93. Encourage others as you make your ascent; teamwork leads to shared dreams.

94. Take every chance, drop every fear, and traverse your educational journey with excitement.

95. Embrace diversity; it teaches us to understand and grow together.

96. Be patient, be persistent, and never lose sight of your goals.

97. Learning is a journey without a destination; enjoy every step.

98. Be a beacon of light in the classroom; inspire and illuminate.

99. Self-belief is your greatest classroom tool; wield it well.

100. Begin your MPLS with courage and finish it with pride.

Baca Juga: 10 Ide Kegiatan MPLS, Salah Satunya Ada Pengenalan Ekskul!

Itulah 50 kata-kata motivasi MPLS untuk siswa baru dan 50 kata-kata dalam bahasa Inggris.

Semoga kamu semakin termotivasi untuk menjalani tahun ajaran baru, ya!

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